Christer Kiselman


Allt är bra, och varje människa måste göra exakt det hon gör.
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (1922-11-11 — 2007-04-11), Slaughterhouse-Five or the Children's Crusade. A Duty-dance with Death. Panther, 1978, sidan 132 (översättning Christer Kiselman).

Enligt vetenskap och statistik
är dödligheten störst under det första levnadsåret.
Men för en enkel lekperson
är den större under det sista.
Poul Thorsen, Averto (översättning Christer Kiselman).

Jag har en känsla av att vi har varit upptagna hela tiden, samtidigt är det svårt att se att vi har gjort någonting. Det är så underligt.
Kung Carl XVI Gustaf i Dagens Nyheter 2005-01-10, sidan 6.

I vår tid är trovärdiga lögner viktigare än otroliga sanningar.
Christer Kiselman, brev 2003-08-13 till bja-listo (egen översättning).

I lögn och ro.
Rubrik i Dagens Nyheter.

En hjälm som bärs av ingen har tagit makten.
Tomas Tranströmer (1931-04-15 — 2015-03-26), "Osäkerhets rike" i Sorgegondolen (1996).


Laŭ scienco kaj statistiko
la unua vivjaro plej danĝeras,
sed por simpla laiko
la danĝer' de la lasta superas.
Poul Thorsen, Averto.

En la nuna mondo pli gravas kredindaj mensogoj ol nekredeblaj veroj.
Christer Kiselman, letero 2003-08-13 al bja-listo.


Everything is all right, and everybody has to do exactly what he does.
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (1922 November 11 — 2007 April 11), Slaughterhouse-Five or the Children's Crusade. A Duty-dance with Death. Panther, 1978, page 132.

The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty; not knowing what comes next.
Ursula K. LeGuin, The Left Hand of Darkness, Panther, 1977, page 55.

All moments, past, present and future, always have existed, always will exist.
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (1922 November 11 — 2007 April 11), Slaughterhouse-Five or the Children's Crusade. A Duty-dance with Death. Panther, 1978, page 25.

A number of years ago, the Dalai Lama visited the United States. As part of his travels, he visited the headquarters in Chicago of one of the great American news magazines. He was given the Cook's tour, and then there was a grand formal lunch at which the various executives of the enterprise pontificated ad nauseam. The Dalai Lama—an elfin man—set swathed in his saffron robe, an inscrutable smile on his face, saying nothing. After about an hour, the CEO of the publishing company turned to the Dalai Lama and said, "Do you have any questions about our magazine, the nation's premiere news magazine? Go ahead, ask us anything at all." The Dalai Lama bowed his head for a moment, apparently deep in thought. Then he looked up and said, "Why do you publish it?"
Steven Krantz, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 40 (2003), page 144.

'You don't see yet, Genry, why we perfected and practice Foretelling?'
'To exhibit the perfect uselessness of knowing the answer to the wrong question.'
Ursula K. LeGuin, The Left Hand of Darkness, Panther, 1977, page 54.

Light is the left hand of darkness
and darkness the right hand of light.
Two are one, life and death, lying
together like lovers in kemmer,
like hands joined together,
like the end and the way.

Ursula K. LeGuin, The Left Hand of Darkness, Panther, 1977, page 159.

The identity of the words 'work' and 'play' in Pravic had of course, a strong ethical significance.
Ursula K. LeGuin, The Dispossessed, Panther, 1976, page 225.

"Ah," he said swallowing, "as they say: to a man whose only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail!"
Alex Kasman, "Unreasonable Effectiveness." In: Reality Conditions: Short Mathematical Fiction. Washington, DC: The Mathematical Association of America, 2005, page 4.

"My idea," she continued, "was that another good explanation for why 'pure mathematical' research becomes useful some time after its discovery is that the universe itself changes to fit our mathematical discoveries."
Alex Kasman, "Unreasonable Effectiveness." In: Reality Conditions: Short Mathematical Fiction. Washington, DC: The Mathematical Association of America, 2005, page 4.

We must believe in the free will. We have no other choice.
Isaac Bashevis Singer in a TV program.

What matters most are ideas.
Christer Kiselman, Brazil, 1975.

Leadership is the ability to lead by being an example for others to follow.
Anonymous writing on a whiteboard in Addis Ababa, October, 2007.

A helmet worn by no one has taken power.
Tomas Tranströmer (1931 April 15 — 2015 March 26), "National Insecurity" in The Sorrow Gondola (1996).


ie tacheray d'en mettre la demonstration en peu de mots, car il m'ennuie desia d'en tant escrire.
René Descartes, La Géométrie, 1637, page 309.

Et i'espere que nos neueux me sçauront gré, non seulement des choses que iay icy expliquées; mais aussy de celles que iay omises volontairement, affin de leur laisser le plaisir de les inuenter.
René Descartes, La Géométrie, 1637, page 413.


Doch die Wissenschaft, man weiss es,
achtet nicht des Laienfleisses.

Christian Morgenstern, Palmström, "Die Wissenschaft". Insel-Verlag, 1952, S. 22.

Korf erfindet eine Art von Witzen,
die erst viele Stunden später wirken.
Jeder hört sie an mit langer Weile.

Doch als hätt ein Zunder still geglommen,
wird man nachts im Bette plötlich munter,
selig lächelnd wie ein satter Säugling.

Christian Morgenstern, Palmström, "Korf erfindet eine Art von Witzen". Insel-Verlag, 1952, S. 53.

Es kommen zu Palmström heute
die wirklich praktischen Leute,

die wirklich auf allen zehn Zehen
im wirklichen Leben stehen.

Christian Morgenstern, Palmström, "Die wirklich praktischen Leute". Insel-Verlag, 1952, S. 65.

Ein Helm, den Niemand trägt, hat die Macht übernommen.
Tomas Tranströmer (1931-04-15 &madash; 2015-03-26), "Das Reich der Unsicherheit" in Sorgegondolen (1996).

Christer Kiselman. Senast ändrad 2015-03-26.